10 Things You Can Do When Missing Your Long Distance Partner

Mar 14, 2023


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This too shall pass, you know that no feeling lasts forever. 🧘 Plus, having someone to talk to and support you takes so much of the loneliness away. Check out my private coaching availability if you are curious about private coaching options to get some much more in-depth and personalized tools for your specific situation. 

10 ideas for you if you are missing your long distance partner:

1. Harness the emotions into a creative outlet like writing them a love letter. You can then give it to them on a special occasion, or simply keep it to yourself. The goal isn’t to produce anything of a specific quality, only to let it all out.

2. Take some time to treat yourself: Take a bath, watch a movie, the whole buy yourself flowers vibe 💐

3. Somatic practices like dancing and moving your body allows for the emotions to run their course through the body without supressing them.

4. Go outside in nature and experience a sense of awe. This is key in any healing journey as well.

5. Take the pent up angst to plan your next visit and make your desired future a reality.

6. Dream of your future together or build a vision board to feel a greater sense of purpose. You are choosing to feel this way from time to time for a reason, so let that reason be as clear as it can be.

7. Go out with friend to get some support and have a good time with the people that you do have access to.

8. Take your meditation practice to the next level by being willing to explore uncomfortable feelings like this one with curiosity.

9. Release the emotions in whatever way they want to be expressed. Screaming in a pillow, boxing, having a good cry.

10. Become more self-aware by investigating which part of your feelings is healthy and which part may stem from co-dependent tendencies. Journaling is a great tool for this type of inner work. 📔


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