First Time Intro Offer

You have a very specific situation with which you need clarity, support, and guidance? Whether it is related to your career and how it fits into your most fulfilling life or a long distance relationship, this is the session for you and we will tackle it together. 

Bring your situation and your problem-solving mindset to this call. You will come out of this with a clear understanding of what is important to you, and your next aligned steps.

What you get:

  • One intensive 60-minute call 
    To dive into one aspect of your life in your specific context.

With this limited offer, you get:

  • The one-hour intensive session for a fraction of the price!
    That is only applicable to your first session to help both of us confirm that we are a good fit. I want all my clients to be 100% all in, and that is the standard I set for myself as well.

You will choose the date of your first session through this booking process. No further commitment is needed. 

If this is not your first time benefiting from 1 to 1 coaching, I am so glad you are back! Please use this link to book a coaching package for you

*If you've already done a private coaching call with Tamara, you are no longer eligible for this offer. This session will be cancelled and refunded.

$50.00 USD

I understand that this Program is not therapy or psychological counseling and is not a substitute for the treatments or services ordinarily provided by health care professionals for physiological or psychological complaints. If I desire therapy or psychological counseling, I will seek it from a licensed provider. I am well, physically and emotionally and commit to being responsible for my own well-being during the course of this Program. I understand that this Program is for my personal benefit only and may not be appropriate for others. I understand and agree that successful completion of this Program does not constitute professional training and does not entitle me to teach, lead, coach or otherwise use this material with others in any way. I understand that all materials used in this Program are confidential and proprietary in nature and other than for my own personal use, I will have no future right to use these materials or processes in any way without express training, written permission, and licensing by the Program Facilitators.

I understand that during this Program, every effort will be made to assure my safety. However, as with any movement program, there are risks, including increased heart stress and the chance of musculoskeletal injuries. In volunteering for this Program, I agree to assume responsibility for these risks and waive any possibility for personal damage. I also agree that, to my knowledge, I have no limiting physical conditions or disability that would preclude a movement program. I am committed to participating fully in this Program for the full training and understand that this includes being present for all sessions, completing all homework assignments, and asking questions as needed. 

I affirm that I have answered all questions on any applicable application forms honestly and fully disclosed all the information requested. I assume all risk associated with participating in this Program and release the Program Facilitator, Tamara Roy-Stang, and her affiliates, employees, and agents from, and shall defend, and indemnify, and hold them harmless from and against, all liabilities, claims, actions, losses, causes of action, and costs in any way arising out of my participation in the Program. I release the Program Facilitator, Tamara Roy-Stang, and her affiliates from any liability for injuries due to their negligence occurring now or in the future, during or after my participation in this Program. 

I acknowledge and agree that the Program, as well as my participation in the Program, can be terminated at the discretion of the Program Facilitator for any reason at any time. In such event, I will receive a pro rata refund of the Program fee by the Program Facilitator. If I withdraw from the Program for any reason whatsoever, no part of the Program fee shall be refunded and any unpaid portion thereof shall become due and payable immediately from me to the Program Sponsor. I understand that the Program sessions and anything I share may be recorded for training purposes. 


I have read and understand this agreement fully and intend to be legally bound by it. The filled checkbox constitutes my acceptance of the conditions expressed in this agreement.

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